Musical Intelligence

美 [ˈmjuːzɪkl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]英 [ˈmjuːzɪkl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]
  • 网络音乐智能
Musical IntelligenceMusical Intelligence
  1. A Case Study on the Development of an Autistic Child 's Musical Intelligence


  2. The research shows that ideal results could be achieved using the theory of Multiple Intelligence to develop the child 's musical intelligence .


  3. To tell you the truth , I 'm a person with musical intelligence .


  4. The study shows that Musical Intelligence is positively correlated with English listening and speaking achievements .


  5. Musical Intelligence , Musicality and Performing Skills in Piano Teaching


  6. Wing Standardized Test of Musical Intelligence


  7. The eight intelligences except musical intelligence , are positively correlated with English achievement . 4 .


  8. Among which , the reasonable use of musical intelligence , especially musical rhythm , can greatly promote English pronunciation teaching .


  9. Aiming at a certain kind of intelligence , for example , the Musical Intelligence , we can expand its homologous course resources ;


  10. This article develops a research on it , and examines the efficacy of Orff instruments on developing musical intelligence of mentally retarded children .


  11. Theory of Multiple Intelligences include the different aspects of students ' development : linguistic intelligence , logical-mathematical intelligence , spatial intelligence , bodily-kinesthetic intelligence , musical intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence and natural intelligence .


  12. Howard Gardner formulated a list of eight intelligences that everyone possesses . They are linguistic intelligence , logical-mathematical intelligence , musical intelligence , bodily-kinesthetic intelligence , spatial intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , and naturalistic intelligence .


  13. Primary school English teachers should be able to develop as much as possible themselves ' potentials of language intelligence , cognition intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , logical intelligence , musical intelligence , visual intelligence and sports intelligence to deal properly with different children and fulfill our teaching activities .


  14. The first the theory of " multiple intelligences " argues that human intelligence includes linguistic intelligence , such as , musical intelligence , bodily-kinesthetic intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , spatial intelligence , logical-mathematical intelligence , human intelligence and naturalist intelligence from eight aspects .


  15. Man 's intelligence is multiple , including verbal / linguistic intelligence , logical / mathematical intelligence as well as visual / spatial intelligence , bodily / kinesthetic intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , musical / rhythmic intelligence , naturalist intelligence , existential intelligence .
